Na Hoa O Maui Nui Seabird Recovery Project
The Maui Nui Seabird Recovery Project is a project of The Pacific Cooperative Studies Unit of the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa. MNSRP, working with state, federal, and community partners, conserves endemic and indigenous seabirds and their habitats in Maui Nui. We work to protect seabirds and the land they require in order to breed and thrive in their native homes. Seabirds have been nourishing the island and reef ecosystems throughout Hawaiʻi’s existence. They spend most of their lives at sea feeding on nutrient rich fish and squid. When they return to their nests, they bring these nutrients to the land, providing a critical link between “mauka” (the mountains) and “makai” (the sea). Unfortunately, seabirds of Hawaiʻi face many threats, including introduced predators (like cats, rats, and mongooses), habitat loss, ocean plastic, and light pollution. Three of the eleven species of seabirds that breed in Maui Nui are endangered, and all suffer from population declines. We can work together to identify land for protection, restore habitat, and educate our community about na manu o ke kai. Seabird conservation ensures a healthy and resilient ʻāina for future generations.
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